• DitchlingFair__GetInvolved_08 © Kris Pawlowski

Get Involved

Would you like to assist with Ditchling Fair? You'd be so welcome and we would love to hear from you.

Get Involved

Ditchling Fair is run entirely by a dedicated team of volunteers. Not only is it hugely rewarding helping with the lead up as the fair comes together, but also on the day itself it is simply wonderful to be able to get involved and ensure the fair’s success.

If you would like to get involved, in whatever capacity we would love to hear from you. We are always looking for people to help in whatever capacity you are able to give; it might be helping arrange one of the planned events through to simply helping on the day for an hour - from marshalling the procession to helping sell cakes in the tea barn.

We all have busy work and family lives, so we promise there will be no pressure from us. Whatever you can do or however you can assist, you’ll be welcome and greatly appreciated. Therefore please do come and give us a hand, and help this coming fair to be the best one yet in 710 years!!

Ditchling Fair Day - Village Green

About Ditchling Fair

Ditchling Fair is truly one of the highlights of village life. A biennial event, 2024 will mark 712 years of celebration; and this year we're more excited than ever!

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DitchlingFair__GetInvolved_08 © Kris Pawlowski

Get Involved

Ditchling Fair is run entirely by a dedicated team of volunteers. Not only is it hugely rewarding helping with the lead up as the fair comes together, but also on the day itself it is simply wonderful to be able to get involved and ensure the fair’s success.

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DitchlingFair__GetInTouch_09 © Kris Pawlowski

Get in touch

Ditchling Fair is a volunteer run event for all the village. If you would like to join us and volunteer to get involved, or book a stall on the village green then please do get in touch.

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News and Updates

As the fair date approaches, we will letting you know about new and exciting developments. Please follow us on social media.